We offer support and advice
- on securing social benefits (unemployment pay, social welfare, child benefits, parents' money, allowance for nursing care)
- on domestic violence and sexual harassment
- on (imminent) homelessness and apartment-hunting
- on family law in the case of break up/divorce
- on rights of residence matters
- on questions concerning kindergarten, school, and apprenticeship
- on finding a suitable German language and integration course
- on language problems, e. g. correspondence with official agencies
- and offer companionship for consulting official agencies, lawyers, and doctors in accordance with our personnel resources
- on questions concerning the German insurance system
- on questions concerning employment law (business, the obligation to contribute to social security)
Women with special challenges (mental and/or physical) are also welcome.
Counselling hours
Counselling in Spanish
Monday from 11 am to 2 pm
Wednesday and Thursday 2 pm to 6 pm
Counselling in English and German
Tuesday from 2 pm to 5 pm
Wednesday from 11 am to 2 pm
Thursday from 2 to 5 pm
Friday from 11 am to 2 pm
Please make an appointment for counseling beforehand. Kindly call 040-384753
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